The Three Principles of Assisted Living

Antony Lee Turbeville

December 26, 2022

Antony Lee Turbeville

If you are looking for assisted living care for your loved one, you need to understand the three principles of assisted living. These are Privacy, Autonomy, and Independence. Each has its importance, but when they are put together, they make up an integral part of assisted living.

Helping behavior

Helping behavior is providing an item or service to another person. This includes friendly gestures, money and resources to solve problems, and emotional support and advice. Some types of helping are more substantial than others.

The most obvious example of helping is a personal obligation such as charity. Still, a more difficult act of generosity involves extended effort, such as helping a friend with a problem they can’t solve independently. Other types of helping include casual assisting, emergency assistance, and knowledge and advice.

In the world of helping, a lot of research has been done. Three broad theoretical approaches seek to explain the origins of the helpful. The good old-fashioned cynic may argue that all these theories are bunk, but researchers disagree.

As a social norm, the Golden Rule is a valuable metric for measuring how far a human can go to help their friends and neighbors. Many studies have found that more helpful people are happier, healthier, and live longer.

Autonomy and independence

The concept of autonomy and independence has been studied for over a decade. It is a complex construct. Autonomy refers to the ability to make autonomous decisions, usually without the assistance of an external source. This is not to say that a person cannot still be responsible for a decision.

Independence is about making the most of one’s resources. Personal resources are described as four interacting forms of capital.

For instance, a person’s ability to cope with a threat depends on their stock of personal resources. However, it is also true that a resident’s ability to deal with the novelty of a particular threat depends on the social environment in which they live.

An excellent example of this is the right to die with dignity. In some cases, patients may choose to hasten their demise if their options are limited. Likewise, healthcare providers will often eschew accepting a patient’s request to hasten their death when viable alternatives are available.

Subgroups and cliques

When you’re a new employee, you may wonder how to join a clique. Cliques are a common phenomenon in workplaces. They can make employees feel uncomfortable. A clique can also be a self-preservation mechanism. This is one reason why leaders need to break down barriers.

There are many different types of subgroups. A clique is a group of people who are closely tied to one another. For example, a football team would be considered a clique.

Researchers have examined the effects of clique membership on social characteristics. The most common parts to measure are reputation and ego density. Generally, a group’s importance is based on its members’ most observable behavioral attributes.

Several studies have explored the connection between cliques and internalizing problems. These researchers found that externalizing issues were more prevalent among those who were a part of a clique.

One way to measure cliques is to look at their size. If there are a large number of actors, it indicates that they’re a close group. Conversely, if there are only a small number of actors, it suggests that the clique could be more cohesive.


Privacy is an essential aspect of Assisted Living. Residents are treated uniquely, and their needs are considered. However, residents do not have complete control over their privacy. This can lead to a lack of self-concept and a decreased quality of life. An Office for Civil Rights oversees and enforces the Privacy Rule. Assisted Living residents have the right to know what is happening to them, and providers must ensure they are not abused.

Several factors can lead to a need for more privacy for Assisted Living residents. These include staff turnover, resident functional decline, and a changing facility culture. Change in a facility’s culture is inevitable. Therefore, it is essential that a facility’s foundation is built on trust and that ethical treatment of seniors is expected.